My wife asked me to summarize how to prepare for a possible earthquake. Here is what I suggest:
1. Protect yourself from physical or financial harm.
Look around, see what could be harmed, and do what you can to prevent that harm. Some essentials: attach furniture, televisions, or anything else that might fall, so nothing will topple on you, your family, or your pets. Also figure out a way so that valuables, like computers or precious objects will not fall and break. Also, attach your water heater, and anything that uses a gas line, because you don't want the gas line to break and cause a fire. You also want to attach the water heater because you don't want the water line to break and cause a flood.
2. Be prepared for the recovery period.
For the worst case, be prepared to "camp out" in your home for 3-5 days without any services - electricity, water, gas, etc. So keep several days of food that does not require refrigeration, water, and medicines (if any), in the home and also in the office. We like nuts and chocolates, and canned beans for nutrition. Also, have enough warm clothes or blankets in case you lose heating. Think about the tools and other things that you might need - wrenches to turn off gas in case of a leak, flashlight, radio or cell phone (with a charged battery). Make a plan for getting in contact with your family and friends. Also it may be good to have a cash supply in case the banks are closed for a few days.
3. After you are prepared, be prepared to help others.
There are lots of good lists with more details, but with these principles and your own imagination, you can prepare well.